Willi Burger
“I love Jazz music, but I can’t play Jazz myself!” “Adoro la musica Jazz, ma non sono capace di suonarla!” […]
Nella categoria ARMONICISTI vengono incluse le sole biografie dei musicisti dell’armonica
“I love Jazz music, but I can’t play Jazz myself!” “Adoro la musica Jazz, ma non sono capace di suonarla!” […]
“The harmonica is a great instrument.” “L’armonica è uno strumento grandioso.” TOOTS THIELEMANS Jean-Baptiste Frédéric Isidor, Baron Thielemans, noto come
“I listen to people like Jerry Murad, the lead player from the Harmonicats […] There aren’t a lot of top
“I enjoy harmonica and drums about the best of all” “Mi piacciono l’armonica e la batteria più di tutto il
“It’s a lot about discipline – doing the stuff that gets me good results, instead of doing stuff that just
“The sound of a harmonica hits you directly. There’s no language barrier.” “Il suono dell’armonica ti colpisce direttamente. Non ci
“They’re playing a little riff, they think they’re playing Blues. Then they put on a pair of shades and go
“I’m an old man now. But they never will get out of a harp what I can. … Trying to
“…people decide what a harmonica is supposed to sound like and those people are really annoying. They’re miserable people…” “la
“When I picked up the harmonica, that really changed my personality, because the piano is a machine, and playing a